Several common types of contract: Representation contract

Contract form
- Written.
- Other forms of similar legal value
No specific regulations on this shall be applied.

Scope of representation
A part or all of commercial activities that fall within the scope of operations of the principal

Activities that fall within the scope of authorization.
Period of representation
- This is subject to any agreement between contracting parties.
- In the absence of any agreement, the period of representation shall end when the principal notifies the representative of termination of the contract or the representative notifies the principal of termination of the contract.

- This is subject to any agreement between contracting parties.
- Unless agreed upon and prescribed by laws, the period of representation shall be 01 year from the date on which representation is made effective.
Rights and obligations of the representative
Unless otherwise agreed, the representative shall have the following obligations:
- Perform commercial activities on behalf of and in the interests of the principal;
- Notify the principal of chances and results of commercial activities permitted under authorization;
- Comply with instructions given by the principal if these instructions do not violate laws;
- Do not carry out commercial activities permitted under authorization in their own name or in the name of the third party;
- Do not reveal or provide other persons with secret information about commercial activities of the principal during the period of representation and within the period of two years from the date of termination of the contract;
- Keep property and documents given for representation purposes.

- Carry out works that fall under the scope of representation and report to the principal on the status of these works.
- Notify the third person involved in the representation relationship of the duration, scope of authorization, and any modification or supplementation of authorization.
- Safekeep documents and equipment assigned for representation purposes.
- Ensure that any information that they obtain during the process of implementing representation are kept confidential.
- Return property received under authorization and interests gained during the process of carrying out representation activities according to agreements or laws.
- Make compensation for any loss or damage resulted from breach of the obligations specified in this Article.
- Request the principal to provide information, documents and equipment necessary to carry out works that fall within the scope of authorization.
- Qualify for payments of any reasonable cost that they have spent to carry out works; receive remunerations if these remunerations are agreed upon in the contract.

Rights and obligations of the principal
Unless otherwise agreed, the principal shall have the following obligations:
- Promptly notify the representative of conclusion of the contract that the representative has negotiated, execution of the contract that the representative has concluded, acceptance or disapproval of activities falling outside of the scope of representation that the representative is carrying out;
- Provide property, documents and information necessary for the representative’s works.
- Pay remunerations and other reasonable costs to the representative;
- Promptly notify the representative of possibility of failing to sign or implement a contract within the scope of representation.

- Provide information, documents and equipment necessary for the representative to carry out their contractual works.
- Bear responsibility for any commitment within the scope of authorization that the representative implements.
- Pay reasonable costs that the representative has spent on carrying out their works; pay remunerations to the representative if these remunerations are agreed upon in the contract.
- Request the representative to notify them in detail of their performance.
- Request the representative to give back the property or benefits gained from carrying out their works, unless otherwise agreed.
- Receive compensation for any loss or damage resulted from the representative’s breach of the obligations specified in Article 565 of the 2015 Civil Code.

This is subject to any agreement between contracting parties.
- In the absence of an agreement on this, the rate of remuneration shall be calculated based on the service price as provided by the 2005 Law on Commerce.
Remuneration shall be paid only if agreed between parties or prescribed by laws.

Reading in Vietnamese: Hợp đồng đại diện


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