
Showing posts from August, 2018

Instructions for writing a will without being made null and void (Hướng dẫn cách viết di chúc để không bị vô hiệu)

A will is the expression of a person’s wish to dispose of his/her property to the others after death.   So, how do a will not cause legal concerns that may lead to its invalidity. The following article will give you instructions for writing a will without being made null and void in accordance with laws in force (the 2015 Civil Code). Firstly, I would like to give you an overview of necessary information that must be included in a will - Country’s name and motto: This is meant to ensure the general format of a will without affecting its validity. - Personal particulars: Name, ID card number, permanent residence registration book, etc., which are the same as the testator's. - Contents: Property, estate and beneficiaries, eligible conditions for an organization or individual’s entitlement to the estate; appointment of an executor and his/her obligations, etc. However, all wills must satisfy the following conditions to have their validity recognized by law...