4 must-do things when traveling to Vietnam

Vietnam has widely recognized as an ideal place for travelers from all over the world. If you are interested in visiting this beautiful country in a near future, 4 things listed below should never be excluded from your detailed plan.

Try Vietnamese coffee at least one time

It is obviously that Vietnamese coffee is not well- known as Brazilian or African ones. However, the taste of Vietnamese coffee is absolutely unique in some ways. Many foreigners have tried it and most of them admit that this kind of taste is spectacular. The average price of a small coffee-cup is a little bit more than half a US$, so do not hesitate to give a try. As a reminder, the taste and the appearance of a cup of coffee are varied differently in separate regions of Vietnam. Thus, you should try as many kinds as you could.

Enjoy the culture of sidewalk food

Sidewalk food is a definition that has been existed for such a great duration of time and remained popular up to now. This phrase stands for the small food stalls located on the pavement which sell various dishes with a very reasonable price. This matter seems to be unpleasant to some of you because you might consider those of illegal business when they make use of the sidewalk for their own benefits. But I would highly recommend you to put those thinking aside and enjoy the particular kinds of food that is served there. It would surely be a experience that you would never forget.

Ask a local civilian about the direction 

The next thing you should try is to ask a local people, regardless of genders or age, about the direction to go to some places even if you have already known it. Why did I recommend such a an awkward thing? Vietnamese people are extremely friendly in the way you even could not imagine. An old men, who is completely unable to communicate by English, is willing to help you find the way with the best efforts. Body gestures are things that you would realize they use most. They would be very please to know that they are helpful to somebody else, especially tourists. Their attitude would make you feel like you are staying in your hometown.

Spend time on a beach for a whole day

Geographically, Vietnam is in the tropical area which has a long coastal line covers the total length of the country. Therefore, the weather, said to be quite typical, is mostly sunny and windy. It would be a massive regret if you don’t pay a visit to one of the most famous sites with beautiful beach such as Nha Trang, Vung Tau... You would find it very relaxing when you let yourself flow freely in the blue ocean. Of course, this is not recommended when you could not swim or the place is under a severe condition of weather. Besides, to those who desired to have a tanned skin, sunbathing in those places would be the fastest way to fulfill your wish.


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