“Chả ram”- Spring roll, have you ever tried this Vietnamese cuisine before?

Vietnam is famous for the diversity in different kinds of food. One of them, which has received many positive comments from the foreigners, is “chả ram”- widely known as Vietnamese Spring roll. This is one of the oldest traditional food of Vietnam that you really should try at least one time once you travel to Vietnam.

How to make “Chả ram”

Spring Roll- it is such a luxurious name for a dish, so it must be made of some kinds of high-level ingredients. This is the thinking of many people when they have first heard the name of this food. However, interestingly, the ingredients used to made “Chả ram” are so simple that they are always available around us. Potatoes, carrots, ground pork, vegetable oil, chicken eggs, some types of mushrooms alongside with other additives are mixed together and then this mixture is wrapped into a sliced rice paper carefully and patiently in order to be ready for the next step. Subsequently, they will be put on to the saucepan with heated oil and the frying process, taking place immediately then, will last for the maximum of five minutes. After all of the above stages are done, you would be served what could be the most tasty dish you have ever tried.

Interesting fact about “Chả ram” 

In spite of being a symbol of Vietnamese cuisine, there are many more than one way to make Spring roll throughout Vietnam. Each region has its own definition of the process of making “Chả ram”. The best example could be provided is that instead of using ground pork as in the South, the other half of Vietnam tends to use shrimp powder or crab meat. This leads to the fact that “Chả ram” has different kind of tastes when it comes to different parts of Vietnam. The taste of it depends on many factors such as the typical flavors of each region, the familiar ingredients or even relating to religion. Therefore, tasting “Chả ram” would not only please your sense of taste, it also brings you more knowledge about various things in Vietnamese culture.

Where to find the best “Chả ram” in Vietnam?

Due to the fact that Spring roll is an iconic food of Vietnam, you should not have met any troubles finding a place that serves it. If you have a big budget and you would like to taste it with a professional serving team, a restaurant would be the best choice for you. Other than that, if you like to enjoy the Spring roll with a reasonable price and a traditional way of serving, many small food stalls on the sidewalk should not be a bad choice. In my perspective, the latter option should be recommended. Besides tasting “Chả ram”, you would have the opportunities to experience the feeling of eating on the sidewalk. 

If you are staying in Vietnam at the moment or you are planning to go there, don’t forget to put “Chả ram” on to the top priority of your list. 


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