How to find a good accommodation in Nha Trang with a low budget?

If you are about to go to Vietnam on a trip, Nha Trang is a city that should never be missing from your visiting list. Thus, how could you find a perfect accommodation when you want to spend most of your money on the activities there instead of paying for a accommodation? Four tips below here are the most important things that you need to apply as soon as you come to this beautiful city. 

Tips No.1: Find a accommodation yourself without the help of the biker.

The first thing you will see when you put your first step to the ground from a bus or a train is full of bikers. They will offer you a hotel or guesthouse and they will take you there instantly. Basically, there is nothing wrong with it except for the fact that you will be announced a considerably higher price than if you find it on your own. The guest house owner would have to charge you more to pay the commission for those bikers who took you there. 

Tips No.2: A hotel is not much different than a guest house.

It would be your biggest mistake ever if you think that a hotel is much better than a guest house. Although in many places, a beautiful hotel could provide you a much more professional service, Nha Trang is not one of those places. The difference between a hotel and guest house there is very small in terms of room conditions and service attitude. And for a limited budget, are those 2 factors the most important to you?

Tips No.3: Small lane is always better than a big road.

As a Vietnamese tradition, a big road consists of many small lanes on 2 sides of it. Psychologically, you would prefer an accommodation that situated on the main road. Therefore, main road hotel is always more expensive than the others. However, instead of staying there, all you need to do is simply move into a guest house in a small lane which only takes you 1 minute to get back to the main road. The price would be extremely cheaper with almost the same room conditions. Most people argued that the security in those lanes is unstable. However, with the development of the city, security has no longer been such a concern. 

Tips No.4: Bargaining is a method that needs to be applied.

In general, the people in the South are very open, generous and of course, the people in Nha Trang is not the exception. Bargaining is warmly welcomed as a way to negotiate in any kinds of business including hotel service. Therefore, you should not accept the first given price by the guest house or hotel. Offering a new reasonable price is highly recommended until a final deal is agreed. It is believed that the moment when you mastered the art of bargaining, everything would be solved in such an easy way. 


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