Which of Tuệ Tĩnh's works did ordinary people use as a guide to treat common illnesses?

The Miraculous Medicine of the Southern Country.

It is a practical guide to traditional medicines and contains effective remedies. In previous centuries, Vietnamese families would copy the individual volumes of this work and then hand the copy down form generation to generation. This practice helped the books survive the turmoil of war an destruction so that modern readers and researchers can benefit from the traditional lore.

Tuệ Tĩnh's massive compendium consists of  11 volumes. The first one gives a summary of 581 remedies of plant, animal, and mineral origin and includes 499 specifically Vietnamese medicines. The remaining ten volumes present 3.873 ways of treating 184 different diseases. The text is written in a simple, clear language and concentrates on practical medical knowledge.

The Miraculous Medicine of the Southern Country treats each disease in turn, describing its causes, symptoms, and effects on organs. It suggests treatment on the basis of individual cases. Even ordinary people can apply Tuệ Tĩnh's methods since they can find the ingredients in the Vietnamese countryside. For instance, a hot mixture of ginger juice and honey will treat the hiccups.

In addition to its medical value, Tuệ Tĩnh's The Miraculous Medicine of the Southern Country is an important cultural and historical document.


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