How has a foreigner experienced traditional medicine?

When Canadian Annie Graham's friend suggested she go to Việt Nam Institute of Traditional Medicine in Hà Nội for treatment of chronic sinus problems, she nearly dismissed the idea.

"I'm a member of the medical profession", Graham said. "I'm trained as a laboratory technician in Western medical practices. I was sceptical about the treatments offered at the Institute".

The friend did manage to convince her to tag along one day on a trip to the Institute. Still doubtful of the efficacy of traditional Vietnamese medicine, Graham went, she says, out of curiosity.

Arriving at the Việt Nam Institute of Traditional Medicine, Annie Graham was impressed at first with its size. Once inside, she was impressed with the professionalism of the staff. But she still wasn't quite convinced acupuncture could cure her sinus problems. Still, a treatment, Graham asked Dr. Hương if she could have a massage for her back pain caused by a chronic thoracic spine.

"It was the massage that convinced me", she says. "I walked out of there a new woman. And the treatment had longer lasting effect than that of Western chiropractors, from whom I have also received treatments"

Dr. Hương was trained in France in Western medicine but has returned to Việt Nam and chosen to practise in the traditional manner. The facilities are clean and the equipment, sterile. Precautions are taken - to cite one example - against the transfer of blood-born diseases by assigning each acupuncture patient a set of needles that are then used on no one else.

After that Graham went to the Institute regularly for massage and acupressure and acupuncture treatments. She also had some reflexology work done on her feet in an attempt to cure her still chronic sinus problems, which tended to flare up in the damp Hà Nội winter. "I have been coming to the Việt Nam Institute of Traditional Medicine for over a year", she says. "I fully accept the efficacy of traditional Vietnamese medicine"

Apparently, other Westerners are catching on. Graham reports that a friend of hers - a medical doctor - has gone to the Institute for treatment of his back pain.


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