Vietnam's taxis to issue customers receipts from July 1

All taxi drivers nationwide must issue receipts to customers from July 1, according to Government Decree 86.

Bui Danh Lien, chairman of the Hanoi Automobile Transportation Association, said taxi receipts that include the car’s registration number, fare, route and taxi company will make it easier for customers to lodge a complaint should a problem arise.

Lien added that the cost of a printer is fairly high at about VND1 million ($45), but the majority of taxi enterprises have complied with the law.

Nguyen Anh Quan, chairman of Thanh Cong Taxi, said that his firm has installed printers in about 200 cars, about a third of the fleet. After trialing the scheme, they realized that many customers leave the receipts behind or refuse to take them, even though the drivers are printing them.

“Maybe customers aren't used to receiving taxi receipts or they don't think it’s necessary,” Quan added.
A representative from Van Xuan Taxi said that they have installed printers in all 400 of its cars. However, tax authorities do not accept receipt printed in the taxis, so if customers want to make an expenses claim, they still have to visit the company's headquarter to pick up an officially recognized receipt.

Source: Vnexpress


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