New Prime Minister of Vietnam has been recently voted to become the deputy chairman of Defense and Security Council.

In the late afternoon 11th April, after a ballot by the National Assembly, with most approval votes, Mr. Nguyen Xuan Phuc who has replaced Mr. Nguyen Tan Dung to be the new Prime Minister of Vietnam lately has also become the new deputy chairman of Defense and Security Council.
Besides, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, Mr. Ngo Xuan Lich and Mr. To Lam, who relatively were the first chairwomen of Vietnam National Assembly, new Minister of National Defense and new Minister of Public security, have also been approved by the National Assembly to be in the role of commissaries of Defense and Security Council.
As mentioned in the Vietnam Constitution 2013, the defense and security council was quite a special agency. Its duty is mainly focus on mobilizing all the available sources such as human resources and every forces that could defend the country in the war time. This council will also be given some of the special authorities by the National Assembly during the war time.
The president of Vietnam would automatically become the chairman of the defense and security council. Therefore, Mr. Tran Dai Quang, who has turned to be the new president of Vietnam in the recent election, would also become the chairman of this council as default. After that, the president would select himself a list of candidates to be the members of the council. The National Assembly will proceed approving those who are on that list.
Interestingly, the former Prime Minister- Mr. Nguyen Tan Dung used to hold the position as deputy chairman of Defense and Security Council as well.
The defense and security council operates follow the collective mode and the decisions are made base on the majority. Thus, it could be acknowledged that the role of the chairman, the vice president or the commissaries of this council are not much different in terms of making decisions. The only difference might only be the authorities regarding to operating issues and personnel issues.
The defense and security council was first established in 1948 by President Ho Chi Minh under the name of the supreme council of defense. Its original duties is similar to the current ones. The organizational structure of this council varied differently throughout the time. The current structure of this could be described as:
  • The President of Vietnam in the role of the chairman of defense and security council.
  • The Prime Minister of Vietnam in the role of the deputy chairman of defense and security council.
  • The Chairman of the National Assembly, the Minister of National Defense, the Minister of Public Security and the Minister of Foreign Affairs are in the roles of the commissaries of the defense and security council.

The structure of this council usually follows the roles mentioned above. However, sometimes, there could be some changes in that roles. Since the Constitution only regulated that the president of Vietnam must be the chairman of this council, other members of this council could be different depending on the selection of the president.


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