The on-going news around the accusation of Minh Beo

Mr. Tony Rackauckas, the head of Department of Prosecution of District Orange, has recently rejected the rumors on whether Mr. Hong Quang Minh is being abused in the prison or not.

According to many articles which were appear on the Vietnamese newspaper as well as some of American newspaper, Mr. Hong Quang Minh, commonly known as “Minh Beo”, is being abused and threatened by other prisoners. Some rumors even revealed that “Minh Beo” received no support from the local authorities and he is suffering a lot of pressure from every sides.

Mr. Tony Rackauckas said that he had no points to believe Mr. Hong Quang Minh was in such situation as the information given by the media. He had not received any reclaims from Mr. Hong Quang Minh as well as his personal lawyer against this matter. However, Mr. Tony implied that if he found out this matter is exist, he would put it into a serious investigation and bring it to the justice in order to protect the human rights for Mr. Hong Quang Minh. In the end, the head of department of prosecution of District Orange once again insisted that there is not sufficient evidence to prove that the Vietnamese comedian “Minh Beo” is in such troubles.

As a matter of fact, those who are suspected of committing children sexual harassment are likely to be abused by other prisoners. Although Mr. Hong Quang Minh has not been sentenced by the Court yet, many people including the journalists are able to come up with justified arguments to prove that those rumors are real. According to the Constitution of US, Mr. Hong Quang Minh would have the rights as any other US citizens.

In order to ease the public as well as the media in Vietnam, Mr. Tony Rackauckas assured that the suspect Hong Quang Minh was protected by the authorities. They would make sure that during the time he was in detention, his statutory rights and human rights would be best preserved according to the Laws of United State of America.

Despite the fact that the district attorney did not mention about what are the measures that the US authority would do to ensure the rights of Hong Quang Minh. However, according to some similar cases before, the famous Vietnamese comedian would be detained separately.

In the further information of this case which was also given by the district attorney Tony Rackauckas, he revealed that a fourteen years old boy accused Mr. Hong Quang Minh of oral sexual harassment. Moreover, the police also found out the messages between Hong Quang Minh and a policemen, who played the role of the 14 years old boy. The content of the message is likely to be implied as the Vietnamese comedian is trying to arrange other meetings with the boy to carry out more sexual act.

The district attorney also confirmed that up to now, every evidences that the police has collected is all against Mr. Hong Quang Minh. Therefore, it is predicted that the situation would be worst for the famous Vietnamese comedian. 

We will update the news about this case as soon as possible. 


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