Which traditional physician from Hải Dương Province has made important contributions to the development of traditional medicine in modern times?

Mr. Nguyễn Huy Cương

He is a man with a mission. His family has practised traditional medicine for 5 generations; despite his old age, he travels regularly between the north and the south to treat patients and to poromte traditional medicine. For several months, he wrote 10 hours each day, summarising his professional experiences in a book, The Vạn Xuân đường (Ten Thousand Springs). He has presented the hand-written draft to the Medical council of Hải Dương Province.

Mr. Cương looks the part of a man of traditional medicine. He has a silvery beard, healthy skin, a calm attitude, and an air of self-confidence. He exercises everyday. Mr. Cương says he wants to stay healthy and continue to work and share his knowledge with other traditional physicians. He especially hopes his book will be useful for both doctors and patients.

Mr. Cương learned traditional medicine from hos father. He first treated other family members and then patients outside his home. During his long career, he has often succeeded, but he has also failed.

He maintains that the physician must understand the body, the mind, and the feelings of the patients as well as his or her living environment before he can start treatment.

Mr. Cương has helped strengthen traditional medicine throughout Việt Nam. He led the effort to set up a model traditional medicine clinic in his village; this model was later replicated throughout his district. Mr. Cương is a member of many traditional medicine associations in Việt Nam and has chaired committees of traditional practitioners, and he has travelled widely to meet other traditional physicians. He is  particularly interested in encouraging his colleagues to grow medical plants.


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